September 14, 2008

It's the economy... stupid

While no one can argue that there are people out of work, homes in foreclosure, and people having a hard time filling their gas tanks, there is a bigger picture. Our country is great because it is ruled by majority, not loud minorities.

We have to ask ourselves, as a pluralistic nation: to what extent do we inhibit 94% of our population to help 6%. Especially when there are no clear indicators as to how much of the 6% is fraud. To be honest, faith-based organizations and local governments should be helping the 6%, not our central government. I encourage you to read the linked article below. But as you are reading it, think about what is the 'ideal' level of unemployment, home foreclosures, or national savings rates. If you think anything above 0% for the first two, you are acknowledging that there will ALWAYS be someone out of work and losing a home - and the government shouldn't do anything about it... (and that, my friends, is ok... I promise, because zero unemployment is communist, and we know how that works out!)

So read this Washington Post article, linked here.

Cheers, Jason

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