September 23, 2008

Stop this Madness Senator McCain

Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopolous tonight, basically called John McCain the most powerful man in the world. Democrats have admitted that if John McCain opposes this bailout, it is dead. Republicans will follow McCain's lead. Democrats will not have enough votes to pass it.

It will pit, John McCain fighting against President Bush. BO will have no more recourse to claim it is 'four more years' of Bush by electing McCain. There is great risk in this, so here is my recommendation to Sen. McCain (As if...):

On Friday at the debate, he must come out, unapologetically, against any bailout funded by the taxpayers. Period. He must turn to the cameras and tell the American people that companies will go under, people will lose jobs, and the stock market will correct. It may last an extended period of time, but he will not put the government in the place of American values and principles. It is time for the straight talk express to start talking straight. GWB is wrong on this - and McCain is just the man to tell us about it. No waffling, no stuttering, just leadership.

It is presidential. It is leadership. It is American. It is what I hope John McCain is.

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